I know a boy who love apples
My favourite fruit is not the apple but one of a favourite to draw. This is an oldie from december 2007 but I thought I show you ( who?? whoever visit my blog, would love to hear from you! ) this anyway. Now that I got illustrator and all I tend to be more of a perfectionist so every drawing process takes longer now than it used to do. It's good and bad, It all depends on how my mood is. Right now my energy has gone right out of me, I can't even understand I'm not lying in bed right now. But I'm very grateful for illustrator other days when my spirits high! thanks again Niklas for buying me illustrator, I'm sure It will help me a lot with developing my art!Ink pen on paper.
Snyggt, så brukar man ofta illustrera rymden kring ett svart hål.
ja du kanske har rätt där. Undermedvetet, eller vad säger du nu?
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