I'm alive! It's my birthday and I'm in Portland Oregon! We just arrived yesterday and I'm already starting to like Portland. I knew that, that's why I insisted on going here on our nortwest trip.
We started in San Francisco - did all the sightseeing and went to see a lot of bands like The Dirtbombs and The Dead Weather on The Outside Lands Festival in Golden Gate Park.
We rented a car and went through napa and redwood and parts of the west coast. So beautiful you wouldn't believe! We drove for 3 days and ended up here in Portland around 7ish last nite. I've spotted a yarn store called Knit Purl just around the corner...can't wait to crochet, I have to buy me a hook and some yarn. I've really been feeling some sort of abstinence this past week I've been here!
Grattis Carolina :D Visst är skogarna däruppe underbara? När det skymmer på kvällen och dimman rullar in över träden. Inte trollskogar som i Sverige, men så speciella på ett helt annat sätt. Jag mådde jättebra i norra CA. Nu längtar jag nästan tillbaks! kram
Happy Birthday! Glad to hear you have been enjoying yourself :)
Happy Belated Birthday !! :D
THANK YOU EVERYBODY! I´m on my last days on vacation and enjoying myself:)
happy birthday! sound like you're having a great time!
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