Nov 30, 2012

Winter Wonderland + New Cards

First real snow came yesterday and this is how incredible everything looked like covered under the snow.
It's cold but I don't mind, not when it looks like this outside! And everything lights up! Believe me, it's most necessary these winter months up north. 

These pretty wood houses in my neighborhood looks even more pretty under a snow blanket.
 Looks almost fairy tale like, don't you think? 
My snow fox illustration is now available as cards.

And so is Papa Hedgehog!

This little illustration "Cat On Cushions" is one of my most popular print in shop and are now available as cards, colored ones! 

Wishing you a great winter weekend!


MrsLittleJeans said...

Nothing like the first snow...when I lived in snow country I loved the first snow as well as the last snow...
love the cards...will visit soon...happy weekend x

Carolina Grönholm said...

Loving it too! Not so sure about the last snow though ;)
Thanks Mona! <3

k said...

the cards are so great!

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