Today's creative project became a bag I've been wanting to do for some time now. I bought the fabric yesterday and it has got a great pattern on it, from Tygverket
it looks like a peacock's tail and I love it. It has got a pocket on the inside for my phone and Ipod. This is the only thing I've done today so I'm feeling somewhat dizzy and exhausted but I must say I'm feeling pretty proud of myself now that it's done. I guess I could have done it quicker but then I didnt have a instruction pattern so I just did what I thought was the right way to do it, I think I need to go a short course on the basics for sewing, that could be such a help and inspiring. Tomorrow is back to work and I'll miss my sewing....I better do some drawing then or I'll go nuts! I just can't help it but I'm really addicted to this creative work.
Vilken fin!
Jag sitter bara och väntar på att du ska starta eget och börja sälja. :)
aaw tack! jag med faktiskt men jag måste ha lite mer tid över för det, hoppas kanske på nästa år eller så, vi får se :)
"Today's" project?? You actually made this in half a day? I learned an appropriate new word today (presuming I didn't get it wrong...): Kandoushita. Means I'm impressed in japanese. And I am. Very. :)
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