Sep 17, 2012

The opening / Exhibition day

So last Saturday was the big opening day for the exhibition. I had a blast with so many lovely visitors and friends joining us for the evening. We had more to celebrate as we found out the day before that we had received cultural support by the city of Stockholm's Culture Committee!! 
By us I mean the four of us who made the exhibition together: 
and myself (Carolina Grönholm)

Things comes in threes. My "boxed" art paintings and paper lamps/mobiles. 

Side by side. My paper mobiles making beautiful shadows. Screenprinted fabric mobiles by the 3 other girls. 

I was photographed in front of my work by the ever so lovely and talented T from This Is Just To Say...

Some close-ups.

And the work before...The beginnings of "A excursion" and "Legs".

We decided that the theme for this exhibition was going to be the local surroundings of a part of Stockholm (Skarpnäck). We gathered information and material through the local library and went for excursions in the area. We observed and used patterns from the buildings and streets into our work. Made collage patterns of old maps of the area. Found abandoned tree houses and an old shut down airfield. Visited a skate park made as a project of the heart by a local guy. It was these bits and pieces we put together for the exhibition. 

För er som inte kunde komma på vernissage-dagen men fortfarande vill se utställningen så kommer allt att hänga kvar i Skarpnäcks Konsthall till den 17 Oktober. 

Wishing you a wonderful week!


Rick Forrestal said...

Looks like a great exhibition.
Wish I could be there to visit.

PuppyLovePrincess said...

yay! what a fantastic-looking show!

k said...

the show looks like it was amazing! That is really neat that you were using influences from the surrounding area...congratulations lady!

MrsLittleJeans said...

Congratulations Carolina! It looked like a lovely and successful event.

BTW, my cards arrived with the sweet present. Thank you so much.


Carolina Grönholm said...

Rick, thank you! Maybe someday I'll come to your country with my art, who knows? ;)

Puppy, thank you so much!

Krystal, thank you ever so much girl!

M, Thank you! I'm feeling very pleased. Yay! The package didn't get lost this time, I'm glad you like it :)

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