riding my bicycle around Stockholm

my view on my way somewhere
doing the dirty job cleaning the screen printing frames
waiting forever for them to dry...
I've got more of these screen printing "in process" pictures on my FB page, here
found the original (A)iphone in our workshop!
Karaoke with friends.
Late night street music.
watching Sau bear laying in the sun looking at me.
Sunday isn't over quite yet but I'm off for new adventures soon.
Have a fantastic monday!
hooray! i can comment!
thanks for making the comments pop up :)
it looks like a very fun week!!
Ha ha...that Sau...looks like the best weekend ever! xo
Thank you Carolina! Are you using a real hipstamatic camera in these photos? Great snapshots.
Claire: No problem, I actually like this pop up :)
Mona: It sure was :)
N_Straight: I'm cheating and using the app Camera+ on my iphone!
that looks like a very fun week. I am coming to Stockholm the first 5 days of august. I remember i liked sitting at Gilda's room (or rum) on
Skånegatan. Do you know it? If you have some tips thank you!
An AIphone? For some reason, I'm picturing HAL from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Like, you're trying to drunk dial your ex, and the phone goes "I'm sorry Dave. I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Dave."
Hahaha! You are totally right. Creepy!
wonderful photos! screenprinting is a messy job!!!cute karaoke pic :)
I like the look of your weekend a lot! especially the pretty bike!!
Thanks Kim!
Krystal: Oh yes, it's my mums old coral colored bicycle!
Jättefint tryck! Har du tryckt något mer fina?
Hej Molly!
Ja lite mer fast vi har ett litet sommaruppehåll jag och tjejerna i studiecirkeln. Det kommer mer snart!
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